


Social Media Marketing & Broadcasting

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Students will learn various techniques, methods, and reasonings as well as discuss the impact of Social Media Marketing on today’s world. Students will also become directly involved in the social media process in marketing all things about Riverdale Baptist School. There will be a variety of frequent projects students will complete. This is a highly […]



Intro to Social Media & Broadcast

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Middle School students will be introduced to the different platforms of Social Media. Students will learn the understanding of digital relationships through the following topics: What is social media? How social media started Using social media ethically Using social media for personal interaction Summarize the use of social for personal communication Middle School Students will […]



Introduction to Coding

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This course takes a wide lens on computer science by covering topics such as problem-solving, programming, physical computing, user-centered design, and data while inspiring students as they build their own websites, apps, games, and physical computing devices. This course may only be taken once.



Foundations of Technology

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Within this course, students will learn Microsoft Office ( as well as develop proper keyboarding techniques. They will also be introduced to the foundational concepts of computer science and coding, challenging them to explore how computing and technology impact the world. (High School Credit Course)



Foundations of Technology

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Within this course, students will learn Microsoft Office ( as well as develop proper keyboarding techniques. They will also be introduced to the foundational concepts of computer science and coding, challenging them to explore how computing and technology impact the world. ***Required Course for Graduation.